4627652300001ZThe book sheds light on the extent to which socially accepted discourses of Islam are regularly mixed with right-wing populist statements that negotiate Muslims across-the-board as a security risk or fundamentally impute regressiveness to them.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to address anti-Muslim racism and its entrapment in everyday discourse.

Iman Attia/Alexander Häusler/Yasemin Shooman 2014: Antimuslim Racism on the Right Fringe. Münster: Unrast.

If you don’t have a bookstore worth supporting near you, you can also buy the book from the alternative non-profit online bookstore links-lesen.de, which supports political projects with the profits. The link to the book is: http://www.links-lesen.de/article/978-3-89771-128-0

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