“JournAfrica!” is the first German-language news portal for journalism from Africa – freely accessible and free of charge. African journalists from over 50 countries will provide you with first-hand news and reading material,” the initiators write on the website of the Institute for African Studies at the University of Leipzig.
JournAfrica! counters the prevailing one-way reporting on Africa in Europe and Germany, which focuses almost exclusively on disasters and sensational news, with an alternative model.
On the portal, African journalists from different countries report daily directly and in a variety of ways from places where the action is: Here you will find thoughtful analyses, calmly told stories, and reports on everyday life.
The content, which is provided by a network of African journalists, bloggers, photographers and cartoonists, can be accessed on JournAfrica! in the original language and in German.
See the description of JournAfrica! on the website of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig.