mangoes & bullets is for anyone who wants to engage with racism and other relations of domination, seeking inspiration for resistance and alternatives. Here you will find, among other things, films, songs and poems, but also information about campaigns and political activism. These materials challenge injustice from different perspectives and in different ways. In diesem Cover Song von Notorious B.I.G.’s “Dead Wrong” thematisiert der Rapper Midnite Monday… Dieses Lied hat Bob Marley 1980 bei der Unabhängigkeitsfeier von Simbabwe aufgeführt und es… Zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft der Männer 2010 veröffentlichten die Berliner Rapper K.I.Z. dieses satirische Lied über… In diesem Lied fordert der Berliner Rapper Matondo, dass die Verantwortlichen für den Tod…
Keny Arkana is a rapper from Marseille. In her texts she criticizes capitalism and racism, among other things. She is active in the globalization-critical movement “La Rage du Peuple”.
Literature list
Promoe is a rapper from Sweden and part of Looptroop Rockers. In the song “White…
Goal: Reflection on one’s own social positioning
Aamer Rahman is a standup comedian who regularly addresses racism on his show “Fear of a Brown Planet.”
The project Fashion Victims by Zoe Caspari addresses the dark side of the globalized fashion industry.