The documentary film from 2007 follows the traces of prisoners of war interned in Wünsdorf (Brandenburg) during the First World War – on the basis of voice recordings made under the constraints of the camp.
Browsing: India
The free and open online platform reports independently on social struggles and democratic movements in India.
The documentary “Phoolan” by Hossein Fazeli tells the life of Phoolan Devi (1963-2001) from the northern Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
The hundred richest Indians have assets amounting to a quarter of India’s gross domestic product. Political and economic power is… Capitalism: A Ghost Story – An Evening with Arundhati Roy and Siddhartha Deb | 2014 | Englisch | 97…
“In early 2010, Arundhati Roy traveled into the forests of Central India, homeland to millions of indigenous people, dreamland to…