Browsing: refugee struggle

afrique-europe-interact is a transnationally organized network that has existed since 2009. The main participants are grassroots activists – including many… “Nine Days on the Roof” dokumentiert den Refugee-Protest auf dem Dach der Gerhart-Hauptmann-Schule in Kreuzberg im Juni 2014, nachdem…

In Akim’s village, the war seems far away. When air raids do reach the village by the river, Akim is…

The Refugee Radio Network (RRN) is an online radio program by refugees. Under the motto “Empowering people and connecting cultures”.… Der Filmclip von leftvision geht mit Hilfe von Interviews mit Aktivist*innen der Frage nach einer kritischen Perspektive auf die…

ZAG is the magazine of the Antiracist Initiative of Berlin (ARI). It is published two to three times a year…

The 2/2015 issue “Struggles of Migration as Invisible/Invisible Politics” of movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Research is dedicated to current struggles of refugee protests in Europe.

As part of its funding line “Development Policy Means Consistent Antiracism,” the North-South Bridges Foundation has compiled “Seven Tips for…

In his basic article “The VOICE of the DEAD and those still going to DIE” Yufanyi Movuh Mbolo from THE VOICE Refugee Forum describes why self-organizations of refugees are important and which demands for example THE VOICE and KARAWANE have.

The activists of the International Woman Space of the Gerhard Hauptmann School blog about self-organization, feminism in the refugee struggle and the current state of negotiations about a refugee center in Berlin Kreuzberg.