4623953000001ZIn his work “Critique of Black Reason”, the Cameroonian philosopher and political scientist Achille Mbembe sets out clearly and comprehensively what the historical and current connection between capitalism and racism is.
He elaborates developmental stages of the project of European racialization of Black people and finally names and describes a “Black Reason” of capitalism. In doing so, he also examines how ever new categories of underclassification are introduced, exchanged, replaced, and made functional in terms of neoliberal logics.

Achille Mbembe 2014: Critique of Black Reason. Berlin: Suhrkamp.

If you don’t have a bookstore worth supporting near you, you can also buy the book from the alternative non-profit online bookstore links-lesen.de, which supports political projects with the profits. The link to the book is: http://www.links-lesen.de/article/978-3-518-58614-3

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