The following recommendations for practice derive from the project “Medical care for all? Methods, knowledge and practice skills on global injustice in medical care using the example of the Corona pandemic” (2023-2024).

Based on discourses and practices at political, economic, social and individual levels, many historical continuities of global inequality in relation to medicine can be identified. Medicine played a key role for the European colonial powers in the conquest and exploitation of the African continent; the pharmaceutical industry has used the Global South as an experimental field for medicines for centuries; Western doctors have acted as saviors in the Global South. At the same time, consistent knowledge from doctors from the Global South is made invisible in the Global North.

In research workshops, specialists from the medical field discuss various problems and draw up recommendations for action, which are primarily intended to prepare white or medical professionals who are socialized in the Global North for operations in the Global South. The result was 12 recommendations for action on different topics.

They can be downloaded in German and English:

The project is funded by Engagement Global with financial support from the BMZ, as well as from budget funds from the State of Berlin – LEZ State Office for Development Cooperation.

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