The following recommendations for practice derive from the project “Medical care for all? Methods, knowledge and practice skills on global…
Browsing: Archives & Material Collections
“Marzahn migrant.”: Under this title, social and cultural anthropologist Dr. Urmila Goel talks in her lecture about (anti-)racism, gentrification and (in)visibility in public space. And about West German perspectives on the East Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
The online portal with the subtitle “Network for Digital Civil Society” deals with “socio-political currents (…) that endanger democratic society”.
This publication presents six methods from political education work.
The development policy network for women’s rights and feminist perspectives works on the topic of “Gender & Development” and is based in Vienna.
This February 2019 research guide aims to help tenants* answer two questions:
Who owns my apartment? Who earns from my rent?
This website aims to inform and connect actors who are engaged against privatization, gentrification and demolition policies in the urban area of Berlin.
This online dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) contains contributions around “Gender Diversity”. Aspects of trans* and non-binary life are addressed from sociological, social and legal perspectives.
This wiki attempts to map the broad political landscape of antifeminism and thus make visible networks of reactionary actors and anti-human argumentation.
This publication contains contributions around the concept of “extremism” – from aspects of its history, its implicit political settings to possible alternatives.
“Why is my curriculum white?”-this question, and also the title of a campaign (video) by students at University College London (UCL), refers to the tacit overrepresentation and dominance of “white” texts and theories in the humanities and social sciences.
This handbook brings together contributions to the decolonization of everyday thinking – prepared in detailed materials for political youth and adult education.