The development policy network for women’s rights and feminist perspectives works on the topic of “Gender & Development” and is based in Vienna. Members of the network, such as the association “Südwind” or the editorial collective “Women on Air” organize events and trainings, conduct information, education and project work.

The network’s website contains small dossiers with articles, statements and materials on the main topics, including

“Women’s Rights,

“Gender and Biodiversity”

“Women and Business”

and to the British economist Joan Robinson, a critical and politically engaged proponent of a post-Keynesian political economy.

We would also like to draw particular attention at this point to the publication “Thinking Business Differently. Feminist Care Economy: Theory and Methods”. , which was published by the JOAN ROBINSON Association, the Institute for Institutional and Heterodox Economics, and the WIDE Network. The teaser on the website states:

“The handbook deals with the central importance of the care economy for the overall economy and is a critical examination of the role and responsibility of women in this field.(…)The handbook provides a contribution to awareness-raising work on the topic and aims to mobilize for the critical questioning of social norms. It contains both theoretical considerations and methodological suggestions for adult education and represents a contribution to the development of new economic knowledge.”

The handbook can be ordered for 12,00€ at this link from the Wide network, other smaller publications can be found here.


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