“This is an appeal.” On the screen in the background there is a big heart formed by red and black pixels. Above it is written: “#OrganizedLove”. Berlin, July 2016, 10th edition of the “re:publica” festival, the “Most Inspiring Festival For The Digital Society” according to its own statement. Kübra Gümüşay, publicist and activist, begins her talk, “This is an appeal.”
Browsing: Feminism
The development policy network for women’s rights and feminist perspectives works on the topic of “Gender & Development” and is based in Vienna.
The information portal for multipliers in (extra-)school education and other interested persons gathers a variety of information.
Bambyle is the title of a 2018 radio play that takes an artistic-documentary approach to the process of creating the 1970 television play “Bambule” and the life of Ulrike Meinhoff.
This wiki attempts to map the broad political landscape of antifeminism and thus make visible networks of reactionary actors and anti-human argumentation.
The documentary film project with the working title “Interruptio” takes the debate about paragraphs 218 and 219a as a starting point and works on reproductive rights and justice in Germany.
The documentary film from 2015 tells six stories about sex and sexuality, about people without and people with functional diversity.
The online dossier of the Gunda Werner Institute (GWI) looks from intersectional perspectives at state surveillance, (digital) privacy and reproduction in times of Big Data and social media.
Criticizing power and domination, describing conditions, trying to emancipate oneself from structures – terms play a central role in (political) everyday life. Big, multi-layered words like subject, performativity, or postcolonial theory come up frequently and readily.
European-flavored chips, gas station Nazis, bell hooks “all about love,” the German literary establishment: in this text, Olivia Wenzel, a playwright and performer from Berlin, writes about her writing between things like these.
Not wanting to accept the supposedly normal division into “man” and “woman” – this is what the topic “non-binary gender” and this website are about.
The symposium took place as part of the three-part event series “Colonial Repercussions” (“Koloniales Erbe”) at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin.