Browsing: Feminism

“Politics, things that make you think, and recreational breaks” – that’s how Emma describes her blog and the content she draws on.

Since the end of 2016, the multiple award-winning novel “Riwan oder der Sandweg” by Senegalese author Ken Bugul has also been available in German.

The Foxy Five is a feminist South African web series and has 4 episodes on YouTube so far. Triggered by the “FeesMustFall movement” in South Africa in 2015, the director realized that multiple issues around feminisms in Africa needed to be discussed and publicized.

The anthology Sisters and Souls, edited by Natasha Kelly, is dedicated to the Afro-German poet and author May Ayim, her…

The blog Stop! Talking. talks about life in Berlin and describes Afro-European experiences and perspectives on prevailing conditions. Main topics…

The girls’ blog is an open feminist community project and sees its content as a response to and alternative to…

Romaniphen is a platform through which knowledge and ideas from a feminist Rromn_ja perspective are disseminated. The self-organized project includes… Kat Blaque ist eine Aktivist_in und Video-Blogger_in aus Kalifornien, die aus einer Schwarzen, feministischen Trans*-Perspektive über unterschiedliche Aspekte ihres…

What does feminism mean today? This question is at the heart of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s powerful essay “We Should All…