This online dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) contains contributions around “Gender Diversity”. Aspects of trans* and non-binary life are addressed from sociological, social and legal perspectives. The spectrum of contributions ranges from scientific texts and educational material for awareness-raising work with children and young people to multimedia formats in which empowerment initiatives are portrayed.
“The assumption,” writes the dossier’s editors in their introduction, “that there are only two sexes that differ naturally from one another based on physical characteristics is part of an unquestioned body of everyday knowledge. ”
And further:
“Trans* people who do not identify, or do not fully identify, with their gender assigned at birth are more visible today in many areas due to the civil society engagement of an increasingly globally networked trans* community. Nonetheless, they continue to experience lack of understanding, pathologization, exclusion, and discrimination.”
The dossier is structured in the areas of
Central, positively occupied words and linguistic self-designations from lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and inter* movements as well as from authors of queer theory can be found in the associated LGBTIQ lexicon.