The“Fachstelle für Radikalisierungsprävention und Engagement im Naturschutz (FARN)” investigates the historical and current links of German nature and environmental protection with extreme right-wing and völkisch currents. It exists since October 2017 and is a cooperation project of the Naturefriends of Germany and the Naturefriends Youth of Germany.

On its website, the center writes about the background to its establishment and its self-image:

“Nature and environmental protection is mostly perceived by the public as a young movement and is also linked to alternative lifestyles, liberal values and left-wing political currents. Hardly anyone is aware of the more than 100-year history of German nature conservation, which has repeatedly shown links and overlaps with national-chauvinist and völkisch ideas and currents.”

In addition to training trainers and in-house workshops on the topics of “Right-wing extremism and nature conservation,” “Ecology in the New Right,” “Nature and environmental issues in publications of the extreme right,” and the critically pointed “Nature conservation is homeland security,” the office also maintains a topic-specific glossary.

Furthermore, in addition to a number of publications, for example the brochure “Aspects of group-based misanthropy in nature conservation and environmental protection. A debate”, an extensive virtual library is available for use free of charge.

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