Browsing: Right-wing extremism

In 2017, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party began publicly threatening teachers with so-called “reporting platforms” on which students and parents were to point out their alleged “non-compliance(s)” with a supposed “school neutrality requirement.”

Hamburg-Billbrook, Halskestraße 72. It is the night of August 22, 1980. Two members of the terrorist and right-wing extremist organization “Deutsche Aktionsgruppe” carry out a brutal arson attack on a refugee shelter where 240 people are living at the time.

The information portal for multipliers in (extra-)school education and other interested persons gathers a variety of information.

The “Fachstelle für Radikalisierungsprävention und Engagement im Naturschutz (FARN)” investigates the historical and current links of German nature and environmental protection with extreme right-wing and völkisch currents.


The radio feature from the series “Zündfunk Generator” deals with new and old strategies of (extreme) right-wing groups (“Alt-Right”) in the USA – in the context of popular culture, pop music and (political) provocation.

In 1979, the publicist Henryk M. Broder, together with Michel R. Lang, publishes a book: “Fremd im eigenen Land. Jews in the Federal Republic.” Some thirteen years later, three young musicians from Heidelberg are unable to find a label for their songs, so without further ado they self-publish their single in 1992.

Berlin-Mitte. Some of those present wear beige trench coats, floppy hats, mirrored sunglasses. In the entrance area of the Maritim Hotel: light blue garbage bags filled with shredded files.

Since May 2013, the so-called “NSU trial” against five defendants from the right-wing extremist scene has been underway at the Munich Higher Regional Court. A racist, brutal series of murders with a total of ten people killed is being tried.