Since 2011 there have been protests in Chiapas/Mexico against the neo-colonial biopiracy of the German government. In the BMZ project “Equitable benefit-sharing in the use of biological diversity is to develop a model proposal for a regulation that would determine “access and benefit sharing in the use of genetic resources” (“Access and Benefit Sharing”, ABS). This means patents and profits for the companies (starting with the German industry), while the population and the communities go empty-handed, internal disputes are stirred up and cultural heritage is destroyed. All this is tried to be achieved by means of frauds, such as lack of transparency, starting with formulations and ending with implementation.” (See Anti-GIZ Campaign).
In a 2011 statement, the Association of Traditional Indigenous Healers and Midwives of Chiapas (COMPITSCCH) condemns the project: “The land and resources in which the German state is interested are communal lands of indigenous communities and the common good of all Mexicans. […] Ladies and gentlemen of the German government, remember, do not forget: fighting against the abuse and fraud, against exploitation and the sale of what is created for all, is the spirit that is in every woman and man who moves on our earth.” The full text of the declaration in German translation can be found at here, the Spanish-language campaign website can be found here.
A recent text from 2015 can be found here in Spanish, the German translation here.
In Germany, the movement in Chiapas is supported with various actions by ¡Alerta! and the Ya Basta Network:
The Ya Basta Network’s anti-GIZ campaign can be reached at