“In this book, the author Anton Maegerle deals not only with the criticism, but also with the counter-designs of the extreme right to the globalization process. He notes that they only offer ‘old wine in new bottles’ when it comes to globalization: the longing for a national and racial state that is homogeneous in terms of its people and politics and that should largely seal itself off from cultural, political, social and economic influences from other countries in order to preserve its own unity. This basic view is combined with a rejection of the principle of individuality and human rights as well as chauvinistically based anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism, often coupled with anti-Semitism and conspiracy myths. By rejecting globalization, right-wing extremists intend to ideologically charge existing or emerging protests and moods of discontent with xenophobia and nationalism and to implement them politically in their own interests. Meticulous research, a wealth of materials, detailed accounts of individuals, parties, and organizations provide a comprehensive overview.” (blurb)


Anton Maegerle 2005: Globalization from the Perspective of the Extreme Right. Braunschweig: Educational Association Work and Life Lower Saxony

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