The network of activists, theater makers, musicians, filmmakers, and scientists was active nationwide for several years beginning in the late 1990s. Through performances in public spaces, conferences, films, and publications, members opposed what one manifesto (1998) called “the question of passport and origin.”

It goes on to say:

“Kanak Attak is a self-chosen union of different people across the borders of ascribed, quasi cradled ‘identities’.(…) Kanak Attak is anti-nationalist, anti-racist and rejects any form of identity politics, as it is
for example, from ethnological attributions. We simply oppose anyone and anything that exploits, oppresses and humiliates people. Experiences that are by no means limited to the so-called ‘first generation’ of migrants. Kanak Attak’s field of intervention ranges from a critique of political-economic power relations and culture-industrial exploitation mechanisms to an examination of everyday phenomena in Almanya.”

Statements and positions of the network, which has not been active for several years, can be found on the website , along with an extensive media archive.

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