The network ADBs for NRW! and the anti-discrimination office of the association Public Against Violence have published a brochure against discrimination in the police: “People like YOU tend to commit crimes”. In the booklet, causes and consequences of (racist) discrimination on the part of the police are addressed and possibilities of intervention are shown.

The network decided to take up the issue after complainants had increasingly named the police as the cause of discrimination in recent years. In 2015, as many as one in five people seeking advice would have spoken of discriminatory experiences with the police. These had occurred both as racial profiling and in the form of disrespect, disproportionate use of means such as pepper spray, or racist behavior. (Cf. the description of the brochure at Campaign for Victims of Racist Police Violence).

The brochure provides concrete recommendations for action for state policy makers as well as for those affected by racist police violence. In addition, it should be made clear that racism is omnipresent in our society. Affected people, allies and their voices should be made heard and strengthened.

The brochure can be ordered now from the AntiDiskriminierungsBüro Köln (ADB) for a voluntary donation or downloaded here.

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