This anthology by Sara Lennox contains 13 texts that trace the lives and work of Black people and associations in Germany at different times and cultural-historical periods.

In 1984, Black writer and activist Audre Lorde inspired Black women in Germany to become aware of their identities, shared experiences, and positions. With the coining of the terms “Afro-German” and “Black German” and the publication of the book “Farbe bekennen” by May Ayim, Katharina Oguntoye and Dagmar Schultz, a movement of activism, research and teaching began to develop.

The book traces (over)life stories, achievements, political struggles, and creative processes that contextualize the Black German Movement and honor its far-reaching influence into the present.

The text contributions of the authors refer to the time of German colonial rule, National Socialism, the divided Germany as well as the period since 1986, in which the Black German Movement emerged.

Sara Lennox (ed.) 2016: Remapping Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture. Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press.


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