A multi-faceted compilation of texts that address African urbanity from a variety of perspectives in academic, artistic, activist, poetic ways.
Browsing: Art
The publication from the series “Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte” (From Politics and Contemporary History), published by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Agency for Civic Education), brings together contributions on Afrofuturism, enslavement and the cotton industry, the history of the racist “White Supremacy” movement in the USA or the novel “Underground Railroad” by the US writer Colson Whitehead, among other topics.
The starting point for the project “(De-)colonial Images” by ISD (Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland e.V.) and glokal e.V. is the development-political donation advertising, which shapes the consciousness of the viewer through its placement in public space and in the media.
“Come out now!” is the programmatic motto of the 1st Roma Biennale.
Forensic Architecture is a research agency that works internationally on various forms of violent crime, human rights violations and armed conflicts.
The art project, launched in 2001, described itself as a “federal association” and thus as a representation of the interests of companies specializing in services related to “undocumented cross-border passenger traffic”.
The Israeli dance and performance group has been working on social practices, domination and representation in public space since 2006.
The album by Daniel Mburu Muhuni and Sven Kacirek is subtitled A Sonic Anthropology and tells the story of the impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) in 11 tracks consisting of interview excerpts with smallholder farmers, activists and local politicians as well as various sound tracks.
The project of the artist Marina Naprushkina started in 2007 as an archive of political propaganda with a focus on Belarus.
The online magazine calls itself a “Network for local and global Sounds and Media Culture.” and writes about itself: “Norient searches worldwide for new music, sounds and noise. It discusses current viewpoints of the music world critically, from different perspectives and always close to the musicians and their networks.(…)”
The PENG! Collective writes on the website of their “Haunted Landlord” campaign to resist rent increases, gentrification and eviction: “With this action we want to make this area-wide, structural problem visible and audible through personal stories and confront those responsible directly with the voices of the displaced and the consequences of their actions.(…)”
The series of talks curated by Grada Kilomba invited refugee artists to the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin between 2015 and 2017. The focus of the 13 talks was the question of how systems of knowledge and representation can be artistically and politically transformed, de-colonized, rewritten.