14368862_10155265388904278_8951570954019673148_nThis working tool from an unknown source maps overtly and covertly effective forms of “White Supremacy” in all spheres of social influence.

The image in pyramid form distinguishes between “Overt White Supremacy” and “Covert White Supremacy”: “Overt White Supremacy”, which in the sense of the image includes neo-Nazis, lynchings or the use of the N-word, which are generally recognized as racist representations, form only the top of the pyramid.

At the same time, everyday racist actions and gestures of white supremacy represent the broad base of the pyramid in the diagram: Paternalism, racist jokes or police violence consequently remain hidden as mechanisms of oppression and unfold their effectiveness here.

The illustration is excellent for perceiving different forms of racism. In the process, it can be varied and supplemented in interactive processes inside and at its edges.

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