3194521700001ZIn this book, young people in a unique project introduce Black European personalities who have had a decisive influence on the history and present of Europe. “The book is a tribute to extraordinary people who helped shape the destinies of their time, but who, due to the existing Eurocentric historiography, have been deprived of their historical significance and forgotten to this day.” (From the publisher’s description).

Pädagogisches Zentrum Aachen e.V. (PÄZ) (ed.) 2016: Schwarzes Europa: Legenden die uns verborgen blieben – Schwarze Jugendliche auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte. A book for young people. Münster: Edition Assemblage.

If you don’t have a bookstore worth supporting near you, you can also buy the book from the alternative non-profit online bookstore links-lesen.de, which supports political projects with the profits. The link to the book is: http://www.links-lesen.de/article/978-3-942885-19-5

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