Unreflective handling of one’s own colonial history reproduces racism. Colonial ideas are carried into society through the institution of school. Textbook analyses show that an image of Africa is created that perpetuates racist ideology.
This anthology emerged from the IMAFREDU project and the work of the Racism Critical Guide authors’ collective. He brings current discussions about racism in German schools to the point and describes next steps for the decolonization of textbooks, lesson designs as well as teacher training.
How does racism get into the textbook? Where have racist messages been hidden in images of Africa? What is the impact of racism against Black people in Germany? These questions are first answered by a digression into history. The colonial images of Africa are still stuck in the books and thus in people’s minds today. Through textbooks, racism is reproduced in the education system and manifests itself in our society. Textbook analyses and interviews with affected youth and their teachers reveal how colonial racism currently operates. This volume provides strategies and concepts to identify and address racism in the education system.
Elina Marmer, Papa Sow (2015): How Racism Speaks from Textbooks. Critical examination of >>Africa<<-pictures and black-and-white constructions in school. Causes, effects and approaches for pedagogical practice. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
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