Food and drink – more central than almost any other topic and yet often underrepresented in political discourse. The theme dossier deals with this fundamental approach in a variety of examples and formats.
Browsing: Environmental degradation
The Paris World Climate Summit, the Rhineland lignite mining area or the port of Amsterdam: The film “beyond the red lines” visits places where climate change is “made”.
Once a month, südnordfunk goes on air: The podcast project of the magazine iz3w (of the Information Center 3.Welt) broadcasts debates and perspectives from the global south.
Under this motto, the “Conference on Migration, Development and Ecological Crisis.” took place from 06-08 October 2017. took place in Leipzig.
Between 2011 and 2015, the project of the international research network ejolt (Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade) documented ecological distribution conflicts worldwide and the social struggles for more environmental justice that emerged from them.
The teaching folder “People.Use.Nature. deals with the management of resource wealth in Latin America/Abya Yala. It was developed by the Center for InterAmerican Studies (CIAS) at Bielefeld University.
Under the title ” What’s Two Degrees More?”, the Education Laboratory Latin America – Climate Change and Environmental Conflicts has…
In April 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux Nation called for support of all indigenous peoples against the Dakota Access Pipeline…