Browsing: Queer/LGBTIQAP+

“Seven different families show us their homes: Juli and Caspar have a baby, Jaroslaw and Claudia already have a crisis…

The book “Girl or Boy” is one of the few books for children that critically examines gender roles and the… Kat Blaque ist eine Aktivist_in und Video-Blogger_in aus Kalifornien, die aus einer Schwarzen, feministischen Trans*-Perspektive über unterschiedliche Aspekte ihres…

In the volume edited by Zülfukar Çetin and Savaş Taş, people experienced with racism speak from multiple perspectives about forms…

The anthology Sister Outsider brings together for the first time key essays and speeches by Black, feminist, lesbian poet and…

Schwarzrund is a multimedia blog that explores experiences of multiple discrimination. The site’s author blogs about both loving and tough…

“It’s about emancipation, about how privilege works, and about space to breathe. […] I want theories to be understandable,” says…

The Girls’ Team is a queer feminist blog by a collective of writers. By their own account, the team notes…