Browsing: racial profiling

New surveillance powers, custodial restrictions/preventive detention without criminal proceedings or suspicion – in many federal states, state police laws will be tightened in 2018, massively expanding the rights and scope of law enforcement agencies.

The campaign’s volunteer activists support those affected by racist police violence in a spirit of solidarity and partisanship, for example by referring them to lawyers, psychologists or counseling centers, as well as observing and accompanying them during court proceedings.

Activists, academics and cultural workers of color as well as human rights organizations have joined forces to form the Alliance Against Racial Profiling. Together, they are fighting institutional racism in the Swiss police corps. In dieser Spoken Word-Performance geht es um Rassismus und Polizeigewalt gegen Schwarze Männer. cuz he’s black | Javon Johnson… Von LKJ gibt es unzählige spannende Gedichte bzw. Lieder, in denen er kapitalistische Ausbeutung, Rassismus, Kolonialismus, Gewalt und Arbeitslosigkeit…