Henning Melber 2001: Der Weissheit letzter Schluss: Rassismus und kolonialer Blick. Frankfurt: Brandes & Apsel

“Everyday thinking in Europe is still characterized by the colonial view of the cultures of other continents. Subtly and unconsciously, they are ordered, hierarchized, excluded or belittled. It is only through the devaluation of the foreigner that it is possible to legitimize white domination and superiority and to establish them in people’s minds and hearts. That we are confronted today not only with the remnants of these ideologies, but also with their further developments, is aptly and vividly documented in this book. However, Melber is not only concerned with the critique of racism, but also with human rights and civil society. Critically, he takes up the internationalism debate of the last decades and pleads for a new international solidarity, without thereby fleeing from the reality of his own society.” (blurb)

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