Here the name says it all – this flickr blog collects political posters (whose designers are politically “left-wing”). Between graffiti looks, comic figures, grainy black-and-white photos, large-format text fields and quite a few pop-cultural references and quotes, a lot is gathered aesthetically as well as in terms of content. And even if the archive in no way claims to be complete – scrolling through the assembled groups, discourses, and visual languages can certainly be used to reflect on the cyclical recurrence of certain motifs, the conjuncture of political themes and aesthetics, and the general functional principles of a political poster.
Where does the “content” actually begin here and where does the so-called “form” end? How much text should there be and how or what do all the pictures and graphics on the posters actually tell? How are humor, satire, and defamiliarization used? And what role(s) do the numerous, very different depictions of animals on the posters actually play?
In addition to the pure image archive, the forum and the various discussion threads are also recommended, in which, among other things, smaller,more specific poster collections of, for example, regularly held demonstrations can be found. In the image archive, the posters are provided by the creators with short comments.