For the first time, the documentary film “The Wrong Word” by Melanie Spitta and Katrin Seybold presents the persecution and murder of German Sint_ezza during the National Socialist era in a coherent way from the perspective of the persecuted and their descendants.
Important components of the evidence are unpublished police files, materials of the so-called race researchers, and documents of the total capture and registration.
In respectful and dignified images, the film bears witness to the survived genocide, to the transmission of racism, ignorance and violence of white-German society after 1945 until the 1980s. The film has a wonderful and rare strength and positioning in its artistic forms and political approaches.
See the film description from Romaniphen
The Wrong Word | Katrin Seybold, Melanie Spitta | BRD | 1987 | German | Documentary | 83 min.