“It’s not the differences that inhibit us, it’s the silence.” Through her poems, lyrics, and speeches, Audre Lorde (1934-1992) sought to transform silence about racism_sexism_classism into political activism. She became, and still is, one of the main inspirations for anti-racist women’s lesbian movements.

518weGvHNtL._SX335_BO1,204,203,200_In the German context, her activist and academic engagement in the 1980s contributed centrally to debates around racism_anti-Semitism within feminist contexts and empowered Black feminist voices and community building. Even today her thinking continues to have an effect and help her W_orte to: confidence, strength & resistance.





This volume, edited by AnouchK Ibacka Valiente, offers a trenchant introduction to the ideas of her political action with eleven short texts and speeches by Andre Lorde, translated into German for the first time. In it, Andre Lorde forcefully formulates her still current critique of dominance

as well as approaches to anti-discriminatory activism: from language interventions to building political alliances across differences.

Valiente, AnouchK Ibacka (ed.) / Audre Lorde (author) / Pasquale Virginie Rotter (translator).

Publication date November 2015

If you don’t have a bookstore worth supporting near you, you can also buy the book from the alternative non-profit online bookstore links-lesen.de, which supports political projects with the profits. The link to the book is:

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