Unsettling America ist ein Netzwerk für geistige, seelische, psychische und territoriale Dekolonisierung. Es strebt nach Freiheit, Souveränität und Selbstbestimmung für indigene Gemeinschaften und Gesellschaften in Nord- und Südamerika. Das Netzwerk hat Richtlinien für Verbündete, Solidaritätspartner*innen und Freiwillige. Es stellt sich gegen eurozentrische Praktiken und Methoden und bietet Ausbildungen an, um entsprechendes Handeln voranzutreiben.
“Our movement needs to realize that the struggles of Native peoples are issues that should be of major concern to all who consider themselves opponents of oppression. Indigenous peoples have always engaged in struggles against the state, industrial expansionism, and corporate exploitation. They are the only communities that have maintained a relatively harmonious relationship with the natural world. They have and continue to wage impressive battles against the status-quo. These battles often have the objective of forcing corporations off of sacred land, rejecting the arbitrarily imposed laws and ordinances of the State, and ending industrial developments which threaten the well-being of humans and animals.”