“The Rromnja initiative is an association of Roma and Sinti women in Berlin who no longer want to accept that the rejection of Roma and Sinti, hostilities and violence against Roma and Sinti are concealed, trivialized or even justified. Antiziganism of any form must be named and fought – this is what the women of this initiative are committed to.” (Self-description of inirromnja)

The website presents different actions of inirromja itself and of other Romnja* activists. In addition, events and text contributions are pointed out.

An important intiative of inirromnja and Romaniphen is Romnja Power Month, which was proclaimed from March to April 2016 to make Romnja* and Sintezza* visible as critically acting actors in different fields. The Powermonth is to be understood as a feminist intervention against underrepresentation and dominant racist images of Romja* in society.

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