“And Ek-Ghes…” – with this little promise begins a love song, which in turn is a part of a documentary film. “One day…”, the translation of the title line from Romanian into German, tells the story of the Velcu family from Faţa Luncii, Romania, in a good hour and a half.
Browsing: Antiromaism
The digital archive aims to make visible the arts and cultures of the Sinti and Roma in Europe – and thereby illustrate their “contribution to European cultural history”.
“We collect writings, sound and images for today and tomorrow, against the denial, slander and Gadjé appropriation of Rromani history.” This sentence, quoted from the self-conception of RomaniPhen, sums up the political claim of the feminist, self-organized Rromani project.
“Come out now!” is the programmatic motto of the 1st Roma Biennale.
The practice research project “Places of Memory. Forgotten and Interwoven Stories” takes many, sometimes new, looks at people, places and tours in Berlin. And addresses who and what has not been in focus until now, secures traces that have been hidden or forgotten.
As a result of a collaborative project between IniRromnja, With Wings and Roots and RomaniPhen, the handout “Miman’s Story” on Gadjé racism was created.
In the short film by Sabrina L. and Estera I., the persecution history of the Sinte*zza and Romn*ja in Germany is told from the late Middle Ages to the present.
RomaniPhen has published a criteria grid against gadjé racism on its website. The collection of critical questions under the title ” Well meant is not well done – criteria critical of racism for the creation of educational materials” serves to address racism directed against Sinte_zza and Rromn_nja in teaching contexts.
In the documentary by Katrin Seybold and Melanie Spitta, two young Sintezza talk about their lives, about school and their…
Roma Buzz Monitor is a website aimed primarily at Rromn_ja worldwide, providing its readers with daily information on various topics.…
The film biography “Gibsy” tells in the form of a docu-drama the story of Sintos Johann Trollmann, called “Rukeli” and…
https://vimeo.com/148883418 Im Jahr 2015 hielt die IniRromnja in der Akademie des Jüdischen Museums in Berlin eine performative Lesung mit Filmbeiträgen…