Browsing: Campaigns

Still every year on October 12 in some states of the Americas is officially celebrated “Columbus Day”. This day marks…

WhatTRIBEProject ist an arts-based campaign to discuss negative Native American stereotypes in the media. It was created by Douglas Miles(Apache…

afrique-europe-interact is a transnationally organized network that has existed since 2009. The main participants are grassroots activists – including many…

Black Lives Matter is a movement and organization of primarily Black people with the goal of advancing the collective liberation… Auf der re:publica 2016 hält Journalistin, Bloggerin und Aktivistin Kübra Gümüşay eine bewegende Rede über Hass und Rassismus in…

“The Rromnja initiative is an association of Roma and Sinti women in Berlin who no longer want to accept that… Mind the Trap (Auf deutsch: Vorsicht/Beachte die Falle) ist eine Kampagne des „Bündnisses Kritischer Kulturpraktiker_innen“. Mit einer Intervention zur…