Browsing: Literature

The I.L.A. collective’s publication “At the expense of others?” is about how imperial lifestyles and exploitative structures in the 21st century prevent a good life for all. On the associated website, one chapter of the booklet is made freely available every month.

“Few issues are discussed with more passion in Europe than that of refugees. But the affected people themselves do not participate. Where do they actually come from? What was their everyday life like, their life between home, work, family, friends and neighbors?

Since the end of 2016, the multiple award-winning novel “Riwan oder der Sandweg” by Senegalese author Ken Bugul has also been available in German.

It is a stubborn and uncomfortable protagonist who leads the reader as a first-person narrator through NoViolet Bulawayo’s novel “We Need New Names” and thus through the postcolonial realities of the world at the beginning of the 21st century.

Biscay is an Afropolitan novel about the lives of Black people in Berlin by SchwarzRund. In the book, the author…

In “The Good German,” Christian Bommarius tells the story of Manga Bell, the son of a Cameroonian ruler who studied…

Chinua Achebe is considered one of the preeminent English-language writers and an icon of English-language African literature. He is the…

The novel “Very blue eyes” (in the original: “The bluest Eye”) by Toni Morrison is the haunting and poetic story…