This satirical video by U.S. artist Ken Tanaka uses an everyday scene to tell about the quick-witted handling of racist attributions and colonial stereotypes.
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In her 1966 song “My Country Tis of Thy People You’re Dying,” Canadian-born musician, visual artist, and activist Buffy Sainte-Marie addresses the colonization of the Americas, the mass killings, expulsions, and disenfranchisement of indigenous people that accompanied it, and the centuries-long denial of these acts.
Argentine artist Chocolate Remix makes reggaeton – but without the sexism that is otherwise often inherent in the tracks of this genre.
Jennie Livingston’s 1990 documentary is set in 1980s New York City and tells stories from the lesbian, gay, and transgender scene there, grouped around what she calls “ballroom culture.”
In her short film “Semra Ertan,” Cana Bilir-Meier collages material from the life of activist Semra Ertan into a dense portrait.
The track of the Berlin rapper Matondo is about (colonial) racism in his hometown Berlin, which reaches up to the present, and about resistance.
Names of people from non-Western societies are regularly mispronounced, Europeanized and replaced, or even avoided in use, by members of the majority society in Germany, in Europe, and in the United States.
On her YouTube channel, “Chescaleigh,” Franchesca Ramsey, a Black activist and comedian from New York, tackles different issues that arise from dealing with racism.
To mark the United Nation’s World Humanitarian Day 2016, writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie delivered a pointed and meaningful speech. She pleads for more humanity and a more open approach to refugees.
“Call Me Kuchu” is the title of a documentary by Malika Zouhali-Worrall and Katherine Fairfax Wright about the struggles of the LGBT community in Uganda.
The Foxy Five is a feminist South African web series and has 4 episodes on YouTube so far. Triggered by the “FeesMustFall movement” in South Africa in 2015, the director realized that multiple issues around feminisms in Africa needed to be discussed and publicized.
The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2015 were not achieved.In the video, Boniface Mabanza, expert in development policy, explains the criticism of the failed plans and implementations.