dummyIn September 2016, the cultural radio station RBB broadcast an extensive report on Germany’s colonial past, which reaches far into the present, and on initiatives that demand reappraisal, offer resistance, and have established empowering projects on the ground.

Speakers include Israel Kaunatjike from the alliance “Völkermord verjährt nicht!”, Philipp Khabo Koepsell from Each One Teach One (EOTO) e.V., Dörte Lerp from the project “Kolonialismus im Kasten?” and Christian Kopp from “Berlin Postkolonial”.

The program Scarred Areas by Tina Heidborn can be listened to here.

“From 1904 to 1908, the German Empire waged a devastating war in what was then called “German Southwest Africa.” Only now, some 110 years later, is Germany prepared to recognize this genocide against the Herero and Nama.

The critical examination of colonial history has been neglected for many decades. Yet there is much to discuss: about the return of skulls and bones from collections in this country, about street renamings and the official culture of remembrance.” Program description on Kulturradio RBB


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