Browsing: Inequality

In her keynote address at the event “Szenenwechsel – Diversität in Kultur und Bildung” (“Change of Scene – Diversity in Culture and Education”) organized by the Berlin Project Fund for Cultural Education, Maisha-Maureen Auma approaches the topic of diversity from a perspective critical of domination. Diversity forms an important basis for work critical of discrimination – not only in the field of cultural education. Fusion Comedy hat ein pointiertes und kluges Video veröffentlicht, in dem das Phänomen “Microagressions“ am Beispiel von Mückenstichen veranschaulicht…


[vimeo id=”77952994″] In her performance”World without Borders”, the artist Julia Friese processes the events surrounding a denial of entry visas…

Ben Böttger and Rita Macedo tell the story of Fredi, Liam, Dani, Alex and Fatma, who discover an abandoned house…

Again and again, Mia and Kai are asked whether their mothers are really their mothers. Kai’s mother is black, her…

At the center of the anthology is the concept of justice, which has been repeatedly discussed as a Euro- and…

Diaspora Reflexionen is the blog of a Muslim woman of color in Germany. In her entries, she discusses, among other…