Browsing: Intersectionality

“Seven different families show us their homes: Juli and Caspar have a baby, Jaroslaw and Claudia already have a crisis…

At the center of the anthology is the concept of justice, which has been repeatedly discussed as a Euro- and…

What does feminism mean today? This question is at the heart of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s powerful essay “We Should All…

With this volume, Andreas Kemper and Heike Weinbach present an introduction to the concept of classism. Classism, as a hitherto…

The anthology Sister Outsider brings together for the first time key essays and speeches by Black, feminist, lesbian poet and…

Practitioners and researchers who would like to refer to the paradigm “intersectionality” in different contexts can use the portal Intersectionality…

Those who wish to examine social inequalities multidimensionally will find in this volume both a comprehensible methodological practical guide and…

[youtube id=”lpPASWlnZIA&list=PLSfmMVczsBAieaBClLuYj6nnmmX3pGSyw”] The poetry performance “Lost Voices” addresses experiences of sexism and racism as well as (political) solidarity in the…

feminIEsta is a project from the environment of the Institute for International Development at the University of Vienna. The blog informs about activities of the working group, refers to current events and materials around the topic of queer-feminist critique of development cooperation.

Killjoy means “killjoy ” – an accusation that all those who oppose racism, sexism, heteronormativity, for example, are likely to…

“The brochure is about the following topics: Project i-Päd, identity, intersectionality, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, interphobia, racism, anti-Muslim racism, anti-Semitism, racism…