Browsing: People of Color Mind the Trap (Auf deutsch: Vorsicht/Beachte die Falle) ist eine Kampagne des „Bündnisses Kritischer Kulturpraktiker_innen“. Mit einer Intervention zur…

Diaspora Reflexionen is the blog of a Muslim woman of color in Germany. In her entries, she discusses, among other…

Noah Sow is. Artist, musician, writer, producer, lecturer, media practitioner, theorist, activist, motivational speaker. Her areas of focus are: Art,…

Schwarzrund is a multimedia blog that explores experiences of multiple discrimination. The site’s author blogs about both loving and tough…

Art Hari Kondabolu ist ein US-Amerikanischer Stand-Up Comedian mit rassismuskritischem Entertainment Programm. Sein neuestes Album heißt Waiting for 2042. Ausführliche…

Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack has become a foundational text within educational work critical of racism. In her list, which Peggy… “Stolen Ground puts a human face on the lingering effects of racism while giving us a rare glimpse, through…

Black Girl Dangerous is an (online) project with a focus on social justice, which is a forum for queer and…

This anti-capitalist blog makes an attempt to combine materialist analyses with critiques of various structures of oppression such as racism,…