Browsing: Sexism

The blog Stop! Talking. talks about life in Berlin and describes Afro-European experiences and perspectives on prevailing conditions. Main topics…

The girls’ blog is an open feminist community project and sees its content as a response to and alternative to… Auf der re:publica 2016 hält Journalistin, Bloggerin und Aktivistin Kübra Gümüşay eine bewegende Rede über Hass und Rassismus in… Kat Blaque ist eine Aktivist_in und Video-Blogger_in aus Kalifornien, die aus einer Schwarzen, feministischen Trans*-Perspektive über unterschiedliche Aspekte ihres…

At the center of the anthology is the concept of justice, which has been repeatedly discussed as a Euro- and…

With this volume, Andreas Kemper and Heike Weinbach present an introduction to the concept of classism. Classism, as a hitherto…

[youtube id=”lpPASWlnZIA&list=PLSfmMVczsBAieaBClLuYj6nnmmX3pGSyw”] The poetry performance “Lost Voices” addresses experiences of sexism and racism as well as (political) solidarity in the… Kurzer Erklärfilm zum Thema Zustimmung zu Sex/sexual consent am Beispiel von Tee. Tea Consent | Emmeline May and Blue…

This article by Chandra-Milena Danielzik and Daniel Bendix highlights that “racism and exoticism cannot be separated [sind]: [Denn] exoticism is an inherent part, a variety of racism.” In its exposition of how exoticization works, the article highlights the intertwining of racism and sexism.

Killjoy means “killjoy ” – an accusation that all those who oppose racism, sexism, heteronormativity, for example, are likely to…

Women in Exile was founded in 2002 as a political group of refugee and migrant women in Brandenburg, Germany, to…