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“The space of a supermarket, which is visited by all people of all social affiliations on a daily basis, offers us the possibility to make anti-racist and anti-sexist resistance of individual groups perceptible […]. At the same time, supermarkets, which could hardly be more trivial and ordinary, reflect the everydayness of racisms and sexisms in Germany like no other place.” EDEWA concept, campaign website)
EDEWA is a traveling exhibition that makes everyday racism visible by exposing violent and discriminatory social structures.
“The interactive nature of EDEWA is particularly evident in our product range. The anti-colonial and critical of racism products are to touch and discuss. Through resistant knowledge and, for example, poetry, they are to overcome the ‘normed’ white The exhibition challenges the view of the hegemonic majority society and makes the viewers think. Through a change of perspective, the products encourage people to critically question their (own) consumer behavior and their own perceptions, and at the same time address the consumption context. So creating products that invert perspective is also the logical step, Whiteto make visible and challenge being a constructed ‘norm’.”(EDEWA concept, campaign website)
EDEWA is also fundamentally critical of the fact that there is hardly any discussion of German colonial history.
The aim of the campaign is to bring about lasting positive change in the existing way of dealing with everyday sexism and racism. Visitors should be encouraged to intervene against coloniality and oppression in everyday life.