Browsing: Stereotype

This satirical video by U.S. artist Ken Tanaka uses an everyday scene to tell about the quick-witted handling of racist attributions and colonial stereotypes.

WhatTRIBEProject ist an arts-based campaign to discuss negative Native American stereotypes in the media. It was created by Douglas Miles(Apache…

On her blog Native appropriations – representations matter, Dr. Adrienne Keene discusses current representations, stereotypes, and cultural appropriation of Native…

In response to racist “cultural appropriation,” students, faculty, and institutions at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) designed a poster…

“In the brochure ‘Growing Together – Creciendo juntos’, four experts from Namibia, El Salvador and Germany report on their experiences… Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie spricht 2009 über die diskriminierende und entwürdigende Wirkungen von Stereotypen, Verallgemeinerungen und einseitigen Geschichtsschreibungen. Mit deutschen…