“Struggles for Reparations for Colonialism and the Enslavement Trade.” Under this motto, the blog gathered contributions in the form of texts, videos, links or event notes from October 2015 to December 2016.
On the website, the creators write about themselves and their project:
“The initiators of the project have different perspectives on and biographical experiences with racism in its intertwining with other forms of discrimination and social inequality. We have in common the concern to deal with German colonial crimes and their effects until today.Our special interest is Germany’s role in the European enslavement trade, which laid the foundation for racisms that persist until today and are suppressed in the public consciousness of the majority society .
The blog “rassismus_verlernen” emerged from a project that approaches the question of reparations for colonial crimes against humanity based on German colonial history. (…)The project understands struggles for reparations as a possibility to critically deal with the development of racism in the course of European, and that means also German colonization and enslavement. (…) The blog aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of reparations, often understood only as financial compensation, by giving space to the multi-faceted nature of reparation claims.”