Since the so-called summer of migration in 2015, the topics of migration and flight have increasingly become the focus of attention for society as a whole. Across Europe, many new groups formed to support and facilitate the reception of people fleeing their homes.
But some refugee self-organizations criticize: “The help was good at the beginning. But food and clothing are not enough.”
In the 80-page publication, we, glokal e.V., address the phenomena of flight, migration, aid and solidarity from a variety of perspectives. glokal e.V. has been offering seminars on racism criticism, discrimination sensitization and empowerment for years, also for refugee support groups. From this experience, we address problems that often arise in support groups and what approaches exist to overcome them. We expand the thematic framework, which mostly talks about flight, migration, power and racism. The self-organization of refugees in Germany since the 1990s is dealt with in detail. In reports and interviews, refugee activists and other people with refugee experience analyze the system of isolation and camps, as well as support structures.
Finally, a detailed reflection and practice guide supports readers from support groups in analyzing and transforming their own engagement.
The brochure can be
be ordered, table of contents, foreword as well as practice and reflection aids can be downloaded here.