Under the motto “More than just a union”, activists under the umbrella of the “Free Workers’ Union” and organized in grassroots trade unions and local syndicates are fighting against economic exploitation of all kinds.
The basic text adopted in 2015 states the aims and purposes of the anarcho-syndicalist organization:
” 2.2. The purpose of our work is to improve our living conditions. Our activities are focused on immediate, concrete results. This results in continuous knowledge and learning processes about one’s own strengths as well as the possibilities of their application under the given social conditions.
2.3. We want to achieve the goals of our labor struggles in the most direct way possible. The ideal-typical means of industrial action are all those that exert immediate pressure on our opponents. The concrete form of applied action is chosen by the struggling workers themselves and is always decided anew for each dispute.”
The website also has basic texts on anarcho-syndicalism, anarchism, or the history of grassroots unionism. Current information on struggles and actions can be found here, for example.