The Kinderwelten Center for Prejudice Aware Education and Upbringing of the Institute for the Situational Approach (ista) has compiled children’s book boxes for “prejudice aware and inclusive education and practice”.

The books are organized by categories such as Exclusion, Discrimination and Resistance or Multiple Identities and Migration.
Kinderwelten provides three book boxes for children aged 0-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-9 years. These can be borrowed free of charge from the specialist office for four weeks at a time.

The associated book lists including descriptions, notes and reading recommendations can be downloaded here.

The goal of Kinderwelten is to promote appreciation for diversity through the selected books. The Center points out that in some publications only individual aspects of “diversity” are depicted, while other aspects of diversity are not taken into account, and discriminatory content is sometimes reproduced.

Taking into account the above-mentioned limitations, the specialized unit recommends its book selection for a “prejudice-aware education and upbringing of children”:
Reading the books would enable critical thinking about discrimination, provide identification opportunities for children with different prior experiences, and encourage children to stand up against injustice.

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