The “online magazine by migratinnen for all” is published by “the autonomous migrant women’s self-organization maiz in Linz. In 2006 went online for the first time in order to make critical migrant voices more audible in the media public sphere and to stand up against the stereotypical portrayal of migrant women. At, migrant women do not speak as ‘quota immigrants’, but are involved in the entire process of creating the medium – from the design of the website to the editorial supervision of the articles. […] In is not only about migration-specific topics – however, our view is always shaped by our experience and social positioning as migrant women. In this context, we understand the category ‘migrant’ as a political identity, i.e. as a ‘designation of an oppositional position’ and in the sense of a “feminist and anti-racist partisanship” (FeMigra).” (