mangoes & bullets is for anyone who wants to engage with racism and other relations of domination, seeking inspiration for resistance and alternatives. Here you will find, among other things, films, songs and poems, but also information about campaigns and political activism. These materials challenge injustice from different perspectives and in different ways.
“We collect writings, sound and images for today and tomorrow, against the denial, slander and Gadjé appropriation of Rromani history.” This sentence, quoted from the self-conception of RomaniPhen, sums up the political claim of the feminist, self-organized Rromani project.
Gentrification, discipline, control and security. Cameras, surveillance, prevention and standardization. Keywords that we know from the media, but also from press releases, e-mail distribution lists, theory seminars and pub conversations.
Criticizing power and domination, describing conditions, trying to emancipate oneself from structures – terms play a central role in (political) everyday life. Big, multi-layered words like subject, performativity, or postcolonial theory come up frequently and readily.
When police officers commit crimes in the course of their duties, they are rarely convicted by a court of law. Their victims, on the other hand, often have to face charges and lengthy lawsuits themselves.
Founded in 2002 by Ntone Edjabe, the Cape Town, South Africa-based platform of writing, art and politics has many formats.
Application, financing, orientation during studies and prospects for a later life – finding your way at colleges, universities of applied sciences, universities or art academies has many levels. In Germany, one factor that determines the success of a course of study is still one’s own background – and thus, among other things, the question of whether one’s parents, for example, or other family members, have studied.
The singer-songwriter and activist Fasia Jansen, born in Hamburg in 1929, fought all her life against racism, economic and social exploitation, against war and for emancipation and equal rights for women.
European-flavored chips, gas station Nazis, bell hooks “all about love,” the German literary establishment: in this text, Olivia Wenzel, a playwright and performer from Berlin, writes about her writing between things like these.
Not wanting to accept the supposedly normal division into “man” and “woman” – this is what the topic “non-binary gender” and this website are about.
The symposium took place as part of the three-part event series “Colonial Repercussions” (“Koloniales Erbe”) at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin.
Food and drink – more central than almost any other topic and yet often underrepresented in political discourse. The theme dossier deals with this fundamental approach in a variety of examples and formats.
The campaign’s volunteer activists support those affected by racist police violence in a spirit of solidarity and partisanship, for example by referring them to lawyers, psychologists or counseling centers, as well as observing and accompanying them during court proceedings.