Browsing: Books

This anthology by Sara Lennox contains 13 texts that trace the lives and work of Black people and associations in Germany at different times and cultural-historical periods.

The “Media Shelf (not only) for Children and Youth” contains an extensive and very well sorted collection of media whose main protagonists are Black children and children of color.

Exit Racism by Tupoka Ogette is a volume that aims to accompany its readers in their first confrontation with racism. The book focuses on developing a critical perspective on racism and concrete options for action that can be used fruitfully in everyday life.

“Racism without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America” by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva is a provocative discussion…

The study “Street Trading in Berlin” by Noa Ha deals with informality and racism in the neoliberal city. It provides…

Biscay is an Afropolitan novel about the lives of Black people in Berlin by SchwarzRund. In the book, the author…

Colonial perspectives and actions continue in Germany and are expressed in all areas of society. Black perspectives, among others, thus…

In his study “Afro-German Activism,” Stefan Gerbing examines the scope for action and intervention of Black people in Germany in…

Fatima El-Tayeb, Professor of Literature and Ethnic Studies, argues for new visions of the future and new narratives of Europe’s…